<% 'If Form has not been submitted, display form If Trim(Request.Form("submit"))<>"yes" Then %>

Which information would you like?

All Future News Releases.
Company Quarterly and Annual Reports.
Letters to Shareholders.
Complete Investor Package.

Please tell us about yourself:


First Name:

Last Name:




Address 1:

Address 1:




Postal Code/Zip Code:


Please describe yourself:

How should we contact you?:


<% 'Form has been submitted, process form Else how1=Request.Form("how1") how2=Request.Form("how2") how3=Request.Form("how3") how4=Request.Form("how4") emailAddress=Request.Form("emailAddress") firstName=Request.Form("firstName") lastName=Request.Form("lastName") phone=Request.Form("phoneAreaCode") &" " &Request.Form;("phoneNumber") company=Request.Form("company") title=Request.Form("title") address=Request.Form("address1") &" " &Request.Form;("address2") city=Request.Form("city") state=Request.Form("state") country=Request.Form("country") postal=Request.Form("postalCode") fax=Request.Form("faxAreaCode") &" " &Request.Form;("faxNumber") investorType=Request.Form("investorType") contactMethod=Request.Form("contactMethod") comments=Request.Form("comments") fromEmail="[email protected]" fromName="Information Request for more Alternet Systems Info." 'Change this address to recipient toAddress="[email protected]" subject="Alternet Systems Information Request" mailBody="Information Request

" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"" mailBody=mailBody+"
Contact Me:" &how1; &"
" &how2; &"
" &how3; &"
" &how4; &"

Email:" &emailAddress; &"
Name:" &firstName; &" " &lastName; &"
Phone:" ☎ &"
Company:" &company; &"
Title:" &title; &"
Street Address:" &address; &"
City:" &city; &"
Province/State:" &state; &"
Country:" &country; &"
Postal/Zip Code:" &postal; &"
Fax:" &fax; &"
Investor Type:" &investorType; &"
Contact Method:" &contactMethod; &"
Comments:" &comments; &"
" dim Mail set Mail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") Mail.To = toAddress Mail.Value("Reply-To") = fromEmail Mail.From = fromName & "<" & fromEmail & ">" Mail.Subject = subject Mail.Body=mailBody Mail.BodyFormat = 0 Mail.MailFormat = 0 Mail.Send set Mail = nothing If Err <> 0 Then Response.Write "Error encountered: " & Err.Description Else Response.Redirect "thank_you.htm" %> <% End If End If %>