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What schools are saying about SchoolWeb:
"The system far exceeded our expectations, giving us faster and much more stable Internet access in the school. SchoolWeb really satisfies a need in the school system to optimize Internet bandwidth."
- Jeremy Meharg, Dept Head of Educational Technology Burnaby South Secondary School
"Fulford Elementary is a small, rural school. Up until the SchoolWeb server was installed, the slow connection speed was a perfect excuse to not use the Internet at all! SchoolWeb has been a perfect solution."
-Judy Raddysh Fulford Harbour, BC.
"Since the installation of SchoolWeb, we have seen immeasurable differences in the use of the Internet...it has been the whole determiner of the success (of Internet usage)."
-Anne Cooper, Superintendent of Schools School District NO.19 (Revelstoke) BC
"We had experienced difficulty in the past in using the Internet as a teaching tool. With SchoolWeb, speed was certainly increased.... teachers began taking classes into the computer lab much more frequently."
- Michael Balahura, Principal Robson Community School, BC